Friday, January 1, 2010

Finishing up a book I've been working on for what seems like forever, I finally found how I can really, really let it go.

The reason--I finally understood the motivation of one of the two main characters.

This insight came after I revised it in a different order. I mapped out the action day by day so I would have a written record of who was who and what happened when. I figured I would need this for the synopsis anyway. Then revised each chapter as if it were a quasi-short story. And about mid-way through the process, the epiphany came to me.

Now, I can let it go. Are you having trouble letting go of your book? Try doing something different with it.

My goal here is to help writers achieve their dreams. How am I doing?

I see my writing as helping to incubate a small business. I won't be paid directly for it, but it will monetize in some shape or form. My challenge is to understand how that monetization can occur. In developing this business, I try to act as a skilled entrepreneur. I'm learning every day. For my ideas on entrepreneurship, go to

To get a piece of short fiction published, go to It's for short stories, poetry, creative non-fiction, novel excerpts, short scripts, short plays, or other creative writing. Publication is guaranteed upon payment of a modest fee.

Read my mystery, The Case of the Kearney Music School Murders (2007), for free at or buy it from more cheaply than you can print it out.

For my ideas on buying or selling a house, go to

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