Saturday, March 13, 2010

So What's So Bad About the Literary-Industrial Complex?

Nothing inherently. But when the thing gets to the point where new writers are stifled for reasons not related to the quality of their witting things get dicey. Hemingway was about to give up when he caught a lucky break. Where would we be now without Hemingway?

The literary-industrial complex tells you that if you don't published, your work is S#!T. Why do we care about this? Well for a lot of reasons.

When it pretends it's working for you, takes your money, then tells you you're work is crap it's bad.

When it solicits your work then tells you it hasn't had time to read it because it gets so many query letter it's bad.

When your attempts to publish yourself is called going to a vanity press--as if published authors aren't vain--it's bad.

When it calls you names it's bad. When it dominates the very choices you make it's bad.

When it affects the language you use and the way you think it's bad.

Nothing's inherantly bad about the Military-Industrial Complex either. But when it militarizes the society which feeds it and constricts choice it's bad.

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